Power Petes Pages
  Home Page | About Page | My models | What's New Page | Links | My friends Pics | Electric Class 1 Cat | Crackerboxbuilding | Crackerbox Running Pics | Clubday Pics | Xtreme goes Germany | Micro cracker | Outrigger project | The electrics page1 | The electrics page 2 | The monsterboat project | Contact Page | linkdump hier  

..............Welcome to the homepage of powerpete..............Have Lots of fun......................More than 55000 !!visitors did before ................CHECK ALSO THE 2ND EDITION PAGES !!.
Up two years and a real succes, over 500 visitors a week, i found it ready to add a second site

Powerpetes pages 2nd edition
Even more fine pics and info on my Nice models
Just click the link and find out more

On both pages you can find all the things that have to do with my hobbies mainly RC models.

Have fun watching my pages

Added a link to the mariosrcmodelforum for discussing RC topics

Click the Forumlogo and join the Forum

Listing Site Updates

Here you will find the update info whenever i update my page it will be mentioned here.

Site first steps dd.27-1-02

My friends pics added dd.28-1-02
links added 28-1-02
EZ board community added 29-1-02
Crackerboxbuilding page added 30-1-02
Guestbook added 30-1-02
Got the counter working 30-1-02
edited the crackerboxbuilding page 31-1-02
Added running pics of julius 2-2-02
Added Clubday page 10-2-02
Added Xtreme meeting Goes 17-2-02
Added Rigger page 2-3-02
Linked rigger pics to the movies 4-3-02
Added "micro cracker" page 4-3-02
Added Electric pages 1 and 2 17-3-02
Added more pics to my models page 17-3-02
up till 1-9
Added lots of pics on the Monsterboat project also
running pics
10-10-02 Changed the extreme goes goes into Heilbronn and bremen
21-10-02 Added a Contact Page and did some work on the different pages

28-1-03 Yihaaa, Hit the 15000 visitors Mark.. Unofficial Marc is the 15000 Th visitor, Congrats Mate...
10-2-03 Pfooo counter is running mad, did some updates on several pages, check the clubday pics.

7-12-04 HIT THE 55000 VISITOR MARK !!!

The Xtreme RC boats Club

this is our little club on the internet go to the Links page and click the Xtreme links

Click Here !!

Changes and things to come
A lot of things happen from now to than, And i dont always have the time to update my website,
As I make some changes over the time, check back regurally to find the updates, also click all the pics that are clickable lots of info behind them

You are
visitor No: since 30-1-02


Things to See at my page

The most pages will cover my hobbys these are rc racing cars and boats , flying model planes and helicopters.
Riding my suzuki RF 600 r motorcycle (pics will follow)
Waterskiing and driving my speedboat.
Its a Vega Pioneer sport with a 50 Hp mariner.
Will post pics as soon as the weather gets any better here.

catch some tunes ??, this is what i like best Italo music !!

go to about page for the link to the best radio station there has ever been !!

Class 1 Powercats.. 60 and 30 cells 90 +110 KPH !!

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